Mary Hartman Legacy Society
After Ben’s passing in 1944, Mary Hartman devoted the remaining fifty-three years of her life to protecting and preserving her husband’s artistic vision. She called it her Garden of Love. The Hartman Rock Garden is her legacy. Will you join us in making it yours?
The Mary Hartman Legacy Society recognizes and honors those who carry on Mary’s legacy of stewardship by including the Hartman Rock Garden in their estate plans. Legacy Society members are acknowledged at the Hartman Rock Garden, on our website (below), and in select publications. Legacy Society members are also invited to special behind-the-scenes programs to learn how their commitments support our work.
How to Join: It is easy to become a member. Include the Hartman Rock Garden as a beneficiary of gift in your estate and notify us of your plan. There is no minimum gift requirement, and no annual dues associated with membership in the Mary Hartman Legacy Society. There are several ways to make your gift, including a bequest through your will, beneficiary designations of IRAs, charitable trusts, charitable gift annuities, and life insurance policies. To get started, contact Kevin Rose at Kevin [at] or call 937-325-1300.
Joining through the Springfield Foundation: Local donors often choose to work with our partners at the Springfield Foundation. Their staff can walk you through the process of creating a legacy gift to support your charitable passions. To get started, contact Sarah McPherson at the Springfield Foundation at 937-324-8773 or visit

Ways to Give
One of the easiest ways to leave a legacy gift is to include the Hartman Rock Garden in your will or trust. You can arrange for Hartman to receive a specific dollar amount or a percentage of the remainder of your estate (a residuary bequest). We have provided recommended language that you can share with your financial planner or attorney.
Retirement Plans
When you name anyone other than your spouse as a beneficiary of your retirement plan, it is possible they will only receive a fraction of the plan’s face value. Instead, consider designating the Hartman Rock Garden as a beneficiary. As a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization, the Friends of the Hartman Rock Garden will likely receive the full amount of the plan’s value. To name the Friends of the Hartman Rock Garden as a beneficiary, contact your plan administrator to obtain a beneficiary form.
Donor-Advised Funds
Upon establishing your donor advised fund, you can designate the Hartman Rock Garden as the recipient of any remaining balance within your fund. By designating the Hartman Rock Garden as a beneficiary on your donor advised fund, you can provide essential support to preserve and maintain this unique cultural and historical landmark. Complete a beneficiary designation form from your DAF advisor.
Charitable Gift Annuities
A charitable gift annuity (CGA) is a simple contract between you and the Hartman Rock Garden. In exchange for your irrevocable gift, the Hartman Rock Garden pays you and/or another beneficiary a fixed sum each year. The remaining balance then passes to the Hartman Rock Garden when the contract ends. In addition to a dependable lifetime income stream, you receive an immediate income tax deduction and avoid capital gains tax on the gift transfer.
Gifts of Art
While less common than other types of donations, the Hartman Rock Garden accepts bequests and promised gifts of art created by Ben Hartman. We currently do not accept art created by other artists. Please notify us of your intentions so that we can authenticate the work and provide an appraised value.
Recommended Language
To make it easier to leave a legacy gift to the Hartman Rock Garden, we have provided some sample text below. Please share this text with your financial planner or attorney:
Legal Name: Friends of the Hartman Rock Garden
EIN: 46-3161498
To Make an Unrestricted Bequest:
“I give (the sum of _____ dollars), or (all or % of the residuary of my estate) to the Friends of the Hartman Rock Garden, 1905 Russell Avenue, Springfield, Ohio, in support of the organization’s general purposes.”
To Make a Bequest to the Museum’s Endowment Fund
“I give (the sum of _____ dollars), or (all or % of the residuary of my estate) to the Friends of the Hartman Rock Garden, 1905 Russell Avenue, Springfield, Ohio, to the organization’s general endowment at the Springfield Foundation.”
To Make a Gift to Establish a Named Endowment
“I give (the sum of _____ dollars), or (all or ____percent) of the residuary of my estate to the Friends of the Hartman Rock Garden, 1905 Russell Avenue, Springfield, Ohio, to create an endowed fund to be known as [add preferred name] Fund, the earnings from which, subject to the Friends of the Hartman Rock Garden’s then current spending policy, are to be used for the following purpose: (state the purpose: i.e. Conservation, Interpretation, Education, etc.).”

Inaugural Members
The inaugural members will be announced in July 2024